Ferndale Pride takes place on Saturday the 31st May 2025.
Ferndale Pride strives to recognise and promote pride for the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, asexual, intersex and allay communities, working with residents, businesses, community groups, and all segments of the community to welcome and promote the celebration of diversity. Ferndale is located in Metro Detroit & serves as the Detroit area’s unofficial “gayborhood.” Welcome to Ferndale Pride, an LGBTQAI street fair presented by The Candle Wick Shoppe. Since 2011, Ferndale Pride has strived to put on an inclusive event that is free to the public, that supports local charities, and shows love to the businesses that support our community all year long. We are proud to host one of the largest LGBTQIA PRIDE festivals in the state, and it takes the support of many to build something this strong.
